Image authors: V. Konokhov
Image copyright: Novosibirsk State University


Panel 1


The panel has images of two anthropomorphic figures, three animals, and some crosses. The images are made with red paint (ocher). 

The first (from left to right) anthropomorphic figure is shown in front, the legs are legs bent at the knees. We can also see a hand, two rays above the head, and two outgrowthes from both side of the head. We can see eyes, mouth. On the body, there is a central vertical line and some horizontal lines perpendicular to it. Also there is a tail. From both sides of the figure, there are two oblique crosses.

To the right, at the level of the anthropomorph head, there is a contour image of an animal with a thin neck, a small head with marked ears, a hump in place of the shoulder blades, and slightly bent legs. To the right, at the animal's legs level, there are two straight crosses, and an animal above them. 

Further there is the second anthropomorphic figure shown in front. The figure is bigger than the other images on the panel and occupy the entire frieze in height. A head is divided by a horizontal line. We can see two eyes, a mouth merging with the face contour. On the head, there is a high cone-like headdress. Also we can see two lines drawn from the head center taking an oval shape, stretching again in line towards the end. The body is narrowed to the bottom (it is two legs and a point below them). On the body, there are two lines drawn from the face and connected to the bottom in one line which interrupts in several points. The line crosses some small horizontal lines. On the sides of the figure, at the level of the body ending, there are two oblique crosses. To the right, there is the third animal similar to two previous. We have not determined the species of the zoomorphic images. 

According to stylistic features, the images can be dated as belonging to the early Bronze Age, and to the Okunev archaeological culture (II milenium BC). 

Technical description

The panel is located on a rocky outcrop of a red Devonian sandstone, on the starboard side of the log on a relatively flat area of the middle tier of rocky outcrops of the log separating the Funtikova and Majdashi mountains.

The panel is located on a big frieze 1.1x4 m, on the height 1.4 m from the foot of the teir. It has a negative tilt angle from 25 ° to 50 ° and is exposed to the northwest. Above the panel, at a height of 2 m, there is a canopy 2 m long formed by a rock outcrop.


  • Okunevo culture


  • Bronze age


  • Monochrome painting

3D Models

Page authors: V. Konokhov