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Zarubino. Pisanitsa Baga-Zarya
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Zarubino. Pisanitsa Baga-Zarya
БЗ-БН9. A circle with a cross
БЗ-1. A circle with a cross, a circle with seven rays
БЗ-9. A circle with a cross, the figure of the animal
БЗ-47. A circle with a cross. The figure of the animal
БЗ-71. Animal figures
БЗ-2. Animal figures
БЗ-6. Animal figures
БЗ-45. Animal figures
БЗ-БН1. Animal figures
БЗ-БН2. Animal figures
БЗ-БН4. Animal figures. Circle
БЗ-33. Animal figures. Circles and lines
БЗ-51. Animal figures. Circles and lines
БЗ-17. Animal figures. Circles. Lines
БЗ-78. Animal figures. Circles. Lines.
БЗ-БН7. Animal figures. Geometrical figure. Strips
БЗ-22. Animal figures. Rider
БЗ-38. Anthropomorphic figures
БЗ-48. Anthropomorphic figures
БЗ-7. Boar
БЗ-28. Circles. Animal figures
БЗ-БН3. Geometrical figure. Animal figures. Anthropomorphic image
БЗ-84. Oval. Animal figures. Lines
БЗ-БН6. Solar sign. Animal figures
БЗ-БН5. Solar sign. Animal figures
БЗ-25. The figure of the animal. A circle with a cross. Intersecting lines
БЗ-БН8. The figure of the animal. Lines
БЗ-13. Two circles